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Brian Lollie – Talks How To Optimize For Voice Search

BL Digital Enterprises > Blog > Voice Search > Brian Lollie – Talks How To Optimize For Voice Search

Voice SEO Ranking is Here

If you really want to compete for the coming gold rush in voice search then our recommendation is to find an expert who can assist you in optimizing your web presence for the voice future. During the California gold rush and Alaska, gold rush seasoned prospectors would hire themselves out to new folks and make sure they found a workable claim, purchased the right equipment, showed them what to look for in the river or stream.

BL Digital is among the first companies to recognize and position clients to take advantage of their Voice Search SEO tool. Any company can contact BL Digital and request a free analysis of their website at 912-312-9381

The following are a few items affect voice search

Site Structure and Content

Benu Aggarwal recently discussed voice search content development at an SMX Advanced, explaining three main content types that work well for voice search optimization:

• Informational intent (guides, how-to’s, etc.)
• Navigational intent (store locations, services, press releases, customer service info)
• Transactional intent (videos, product information, comparisons, product stories) • Aggarwal’s strategy suggests integrating FAQ pages into every major section of your site.

Voicify your keywords

This is a matter of typing versus speaking. When you look for keyword phrases that customers will use be sure and think about how they will say the words.

Data optimization for Voice

Make your search words as relevant as possible

Make sure you are Mobile Friendly

Most voice search happens on the phone.

Improve your speed

The speed of your site affects the customer journey and can cause a higher bounce rate when not optimized.

https://www.bbb.org/us/ga/norcross/profile/digital-marketing/b-l-digital-enterprises-llc-0443-28194447/#sealclick" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">