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Voicemail distribution

BL Digital Enterprises > Voicemail distribution
Don’t Alter the Message – Change the Delivery!

Contact thousands of potential customers through Voicemail distribution.

The use of Customized Voice mail is engaging consumers at a higher rate than ever, allowing businesses in Atlanta, Richmond Hill (Georgia) and all around the USA to reach customers at costs much lower than traditional forms of marketing.

Voicemail distribution work by delivering messages that are customized directly into the voicemail of consumers without making their phones ring. This is possible due to SMART Technology, and it results in an amazing engagement rate of 93%, which dramatically boosts your marketing results.

B.L. Digital Enterprises technology allows its Voicemail distribution to add value that is constantly being proven. You have the option to send a one-time Voicemail distribution to thousands of people or use a monthly package to keep customers engaged with your product or service. Your Voicemail distribution are delivered instantly at your command.

You regain control of when you contact customers as well as which consumers you communicate with. Voicemail distribution are backed by patent pending, state-of-the-art technology that can deliver your advertising message to as many as 100,000 people per day, strengthening your brand.

You can easily use Voicemail distribution by employing an easy 5-step process to record and deliver your message. Voicemail distribution can be recorded via phone or you can upload a recorded message from your computer.

Reporting is instant, and blasts can be sent to consumers 365 days a year. Messages can be up to 60 seconds long, and your outbound calling expenses can be reduced up to 500%!

In summary, Voicemail distribution can be used to engage customers that are interested in your products or services. Send your voice message to consumers and let them call your facility or call center, and watch the orders pour in!

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